TChannel Traffic Metrics

This document defines a common set of traffic metrics that must be emitted by the TChannel stack in each implementation language. Metrics are defined as names + set of required and optional tags containing additional context about the specific event. Metrics collections systems that do not support tags (such as statsd or carbon) should translate the tag information into components within a metric name hierarchy.

The metrics in this document are generic to any application-level peers; they do not include metrics specific to the hyperbahn routing layer.

Relationship to Zipkin

Zipkin trace information can be used to derive timing information contained in emitted metrics, but the metrics themselves do not contain span specific information. In a way, timing metrics can be viewed as a pre-aggregation of request-specific timing information gathering within the process.

Relationship to Circuit Breaking

The same source events should be used to both emit metrics for graphing / monitoring and gather statistics for circuit breaking, but the two are independent systems and should have separate storage and data circulation models.

Common Tags

All metrics MUST include the following tags:

  • app - the name/id of the application hosting the service or client. TChannel metrics are arranged in a hierarchy - processes run one or more applications, applications host one or more services, services expose one or more endpoints, one application may be spread across multiple process. The application name is considered to be a priori known to the TChannel stack, and is not dependent on any information coming in from the wire. TChannel implementations should provide a way to pass the application name into whatever initialization functions they expose.

All metrics MAY include the following tags: * host - The name of the host on which the reporter is running. * cluster - Identifier of the cluster in which the reporter is running.
Differentiate nodes running in a canary vs full production vs private mode. * version - the version of the running application. The version reported in metrics should correlate to version information included in zipkin annotations emitted by the process, to support correlating metrics data with dependency call graphs.

Call Metrics

Call metrics track statistics about RPC calls made from or to the application.

Outbound call metrics

Outbound call metrics measure calls made from the reporting process to a target peer. Call is defined as a call visible to application code - speculative requests and retries are not included in outbound call metrics unless specifically mentioned below.

All outbound call metrics MUST contain the service and target-service and SHOULD contain a target-endpoint tag where reasonable. The service tag is a string indicating the name of the service initiating the call (the "cn transport header"); the target-service tag is a string containing the name of the service being called (the "service" field in the call request), and the target-endpoint tag is a string containing the id of the target endpoint being invoked (from "arg1"). Implementations SHOULD only include the target endpoint if the value space for the endpoint is finite; certain "as" transport - such as HTTP-over-tchannel - contain UUIDs in their endpoints, making the value space effectively infinite. These implementations SHOULD omit the target-endpoint tag or normalize the arg1 values to a finite set.



The total number of calls initiated by this service to the target service/endpoint.


The total number successful responses received from calls initiated by this service to the target service/endpoint.


The total number of Error frame responses reported to the application from calls initiated by this service to the target service/endpoint. MUST include an additional type tag indicating the type of error received; valid values are the error code names described in the TChannel protocol doc.


The total number of Error frame responses per attempt (initial request or retry) from calls initiated by this service to the target service/endpoint. MUST include an additional type tag indicating the type of error received; valid values are the error code names described in the TChannel protocol doc.


The total number of errors reported to the application whilst sending outgoing calls initiated by this service to the target service/endpoint. These are not error frames but actual local socket level errors or timeout errors. SHOULD include an additional type tag indicating the type of error received; standardizing operational error types is outside the scope of the core metrics.


The total number of errors occured per attempt whilst sending outgoing calls initiated by this service to the target service/endpoint. These are not error frames but actual local socket level errors or timeout errors. SHOULD include an additional type tag indicating the type of error received; standardizing operational error types is outside the scope of the core metrics.

The total number of CallResponse/NotOk responses reported to the application from calls initiated by this service to the the target service/endpoint. MAY include an additional type tag indicating the type of application-level error received. Standardization of application-level error types is outside the scope of the core metrics.

The total number of CallResponse/NotOk responses per attempt received from calls initiated by this service to the the target service/endpoint. MAY include an additional type tag indicating the type of application-level error received. Standardization of application-level error types is outside the scope of the core metrics.


The total number of retries performed by the sending service. SHOULD include a retry-count tag indicating the per-request retry count represented by the metric (e.g. the count of calls resulting in 1 retry should have retry-count=1, the count of calls resulting in 2 retries should have retry-count=2, etc)


The total size in bytes of all requests sent to the target service/endpoint, including framing information.


The total size in bytes of all non-error responses received by the target service/endpoint including framing information.



End-to-end latency (measured in milliseconds) for calls sent by this service to the target service/endpoint. This is the application-perceived time that the call took. It is measured from the time the application initiated the request to the time the final fragment is received and processed, and includes the times for all retries.


Latency of an individual attempt (initial request or retry) at a call. Measured from the time the first request fragment write is initiated to the time the last response fragment read is received. SHOULD include the peer tag containing the host and port of the peer to whom the call attempt was sent. SHOULD include a retry-count tag indicating the per-request retry count represented by the metric (e.g. the first outgoing attempt should have retry-count=1, the second outgoing attempt should have retry-count=2 etc)

Inbound call metrics

Inbound call metrics measure calls received from a peer process. All inbound call metrics SHOULD contain the service, endpoint, and calling-service tags if they are known at the point of emission. The service and endpoint tags are string indicating the name of the service and endpoint receiving the call; the calling-service tag is a string indicating the name of the service that initiated the call.



The total number of calls received by this service/endpoint.


The total number successful responses generated by this service/endpoint.


The total number of Error responses generated from calls received by this service/endpoint. MUST include an additional type tag indicating the type of error received, with values identical that described under outbound.calls.system-errors

The total number of CallResponse/NotOk responses generated from calls received by this service. MAY include an additional type tag indicating the type of application-level error received.


The total number of cancels received by the service / endpoint.


The total number of cancels honored by the service / endpoint. A cancel is honored if causes a call to be discarded before being dispatched to the application, or if the application abandons processing of the call as a result of the cancel.


The total number of protocol error messages generated by this application in response to a peer.


The total size in bytes of all requests sent to the service/endpoint, including framing information.


The total size in bytes of all non-error responses sent by the service/endpoint including framing information.



Application latency (measured in milliseconds) for calls to the endpoint handled by this service. This is the application-perceived time that the call took, measured from the time the request is handed to application code to the time that the final response fragment is generated by application code.

Connection Metrics

Connection metrics measure statistics related to socket connections initiated or received by the process. All connection metrics MUST contain the host-port and peer-host-port tags. The host-port tag is a string containing the host and port of the reporting process. It MAY be for ephemeral clients. The peer-host-port tag is a string containing the host and port of the peer to whom connection is maintained.


The number of currently active outbound connections from the process to the peer. Active connections are connections that may still be used to initiate or receive traffic, and includes connections which might be in a state of graceful shutdown.



The total number of connections initiated from this process to the target peer over the process lifetime.


The total number of errors that have occurred when this process has attempted to initiate a connection to its peer.


The total number of connections from the target peer accepted by this process over its lifetime.


The total number of accept errors that have occurred on this process.


The total number of fatal connection-level errors that have occurred to connections initiated between this process and the peer. MUST include a type tag indicating the type of error. Standard type tags include:

  • network-error - the connection suffered a network level error (e.g. ECONNRESET)
  • network-timeout - the connection received a network-level timeout during read/write
  • protocol-error - the peer responded with a message that violated the protocol
  • peer-protocol-error - the peer sent a protocol-error message in response to a message sent by this process

The total number of connections closed due to error or graceful shutdown (e.g. idle timeouts, application initiated shutdown). MAY include a reason tag indicating the reason for the closure. Standard reason tags include:

  • idle-timeout - the connection was closed due to being idle beyond a timeout
  • app-initiated - the connection was closed due to an application initiated close
  • protocol-error - the connection was closed due to a protocol error
  • network-error - the connection was closed due to a network level error
  • network-timeout - the connection was closed due to a network-level timeout
  • peer-closed - the connection was closed by the peer

The total number of bytes sent across all connections maintained between this process and the peer.


The total number of bytes received across all connections maintained between this process and the peer.

Circuit Metrics

Circuit state metrics are emitted by the Hyperbahn service proxy, not by TChannel directly, and come from the circuitStateChange event on the circuits instance.

Circuit state changes, to unhealthy, and to healthy, are tracked both in aggregate and for each individual circuit. In lieu of support for tags, circuits are temporarily indexed both by caller name and service name.

The pattern for circuit counter stats is:

  • circuits
  • {healthy, unhealthy}, and one of
    • total, or
    • by-caller.$caller.$service.$endpoint, or
    • by-service.$service.$caller.$endpoint

Rate Limiting Metrics

The rate limiting metrics track the number of requests sent to a service per second (RPS) and the number of busy responses generated because of rate limiting taking effect.



The number of requests sent to a service per second. It MUST contain the target-service tag.


The maximum number of requests that can be sent to a service per second. If the service's RPS goes above the rate limit, requests will be reponded by busy frames. It MUST contain the target-service tag.

The number of requests received by a tchannel process.

The maximum number of requests that can be processed by a tcahnnel process. If the RPS goes above the limit, requests will be reponded by busy frames.



The number of busy responses generated because the number of requests sent to a service passes the limit. It MUST contain the target-service tag.

The number of busy responses generated because the number of requests sent to a tchannel process passes the limit. It SHOULD contain the target-service tag when the information is available.